Duo Towers in “Full BIM”
Developed by Ivanhoé Cambridge and Natixis Assurances and envisioned by Jean Nouvel, the Duo Towers are one of the first high-rise operations conducted in “Full BIM.”
Artedrones responds to Notre-Dame de Paris fire
In response to the needs of the Criminal Brigade of the Judicial Police of Paris, our experts voluntarily reconstructed an interior and exterior map of the cathedral to assess the post-fire situation.
Less than a week after the fire on April 15, 2019, our team urgently mobilized to support public authorities in their assessments and site security, where humans couldn’t venture due to the cathedral’s unstable condition.
Gélitra – the solution that simplifies your construction site
No one tolerates the supply disruptions and associated nuisances of urban construction sites anymore.
However, looming over several decades are the massive construction projects in our cities aimed at building renovations, adapting to climate change, and embracing the revolutions in new uses and mobility.
Consulting and Support for Digital Hospital at the New Princess Grace Center (Monaco)
To adapt to the advancements in medicine and hospital techniques, the government of the Principality of Monaco has undertaken the construction of the new Princess Grace Hospital Center. With 394 beds, it incorporates the latest innovations in healthcare facilities, and consequently highly-developed digital services.
Virtual Reality Immersion in Mock Facilities
In order to reduce the carbon footprint of the project and its economic impact on the client, our teams have devised an intelligent solution to bypass the conventional construction of full-scale mock facilities, typically employed in various healthcare facility projects.
Founded in the mid-19th century, this AP-HP institution is undergoing an ambitious renovation and modernization project. This includes the reconstruction of an administrative building, the restructuring of a portion of the historical premises, and the construction of a new high-tech building housing 489 beds centered around an innovative medical-technical platform, an emergency department, and a maternity ward.